If you are a huge fan of Valve’s Team Fortress 2 as much as I am, you must of heard about the news of the game will retiring 9 of the original hats that started the whole Hat Simulator fiasco. In two weeks from now, the game will remove Batter’s Helmet, Football Helmet, Fancy Fedora, Mining Light, Prussian Pickelhaube, Pyro’s Beanie, Soldier’s Stash, Trophy Belt, and Demoman’s Fro from the Mann Co. Store, random drops, and crafting.
Pokémon Y = aX + b
As someone who hasn’t kept up with gaming news as of late, it was quite the surprise to me when my friend and fellow Quixotic Syndicate writer, James Frontier, messaged me saying:
I’m actually quite excited for the new Pokémon.
What new Pokémon? Was it PokéPark 3? Pokémon Snap U? A new spin-off that’s interesting for once? More Mystery Dungeon games? I decided to ask him and he replies:
Pokémon X and Y.

Pokémon X & Y?
Welp, he seems to think I’m an idiot – if you’re going to try to fool me, at least come up with a name that’s more believable. Literally almost anything would fit that category: Sweet & Sour, Xenon & Krypton, Fruit & Vegetable. Anything.
Greetings, everyone
Hello, I am RedFire Mario, one of the authors of this blog. My hobbies include playing video games, a moviegoer, and watching anime from time to time. As author, I will most likely will be typing out reviews on what I have played or watched and may also cover on some news that are going on in the video game industry. My first real post will be coming soon, so take care.
Well TheN.
Hello there, I am N.
You may be wondering, “Well, who is N?”
Here’s your answer:
N is N.
Anyways, I’ll save more of my introduction for later. For now, I just thought I would point out that we are SO desperate for Likes on Facebook, that the main admin, TehVict has broken through logic and liked our page twice.
Well played, well played.
The “Beginning” of the Quixotic Syndicate
You, sailor of the interwebz, appear to have stumbled upon the roots of this plant of justice, or something chuunibyou-esque like that. I’m no good at introducing things, it seems, however I find it essential to have something marking the start of a project such as this – but is this even the beginning at all?
“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” ~Napoleon Hill
It took awhile for this idea to bloom, and even longer for it to become the project of a group of six. We fought for what must have been at the bare minimum three hours on what the name for this blog was going to be before settling for the Quixotic Syndicate. The blog set-up, and it took even longer for a post to get made. To say this is truly the beginning of our “adventure” would be definitely a lie. Hopefully though, in the future it’ll be so far back into the past that such technicalities become irrelevant.
Eh, it was always irrelevant – I just wanted to look up an intellectual quote online and write something surrounding it to sound smarter. Let’s get onto what matters, shall we!