…I went on a forum and they called me mean things and I’ve had confidence issues since.
That’s one way to prove me wrong in almost all my theories in a single episode.
…I went on a forum and they called me mean things and I’ve had confidence issues since.
That’s one way to prove me wrong in almost all my theories in a single episode.
Masta Artisan – Rapper’s Liebe
How will U play?
Nintendo revealed new games for the Wii U today on their Nintendo Direct video, and did they deliver. To draw in the crowd to take the Wii U more seriously before Microsoft and Sony are getting ready to announce their next-gen consoles, the Big N is getting us hyped for this year’s E3 for a couple of games they are going to show off.
Dan Bull – Generation Gaming
Face Your Demons
Announced back in 2010 during the Tokyo Game Show (for those who do not know, it is a video game convention that is basically Japan’s E3 or Gamescom), Capcom surprised many about a fifth Devil May Cry game was in production. Not only that, but it was a reboot being developed by Ninja Theory, known for Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and the PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavenly Sword. The fans erupted into madness after discovering how Dante was given a completely different design and origin. Capcom and Ninja Theory tried to calm down the chaos by revealing more of the gameplay and behind-the-scene footage, showing how it is similar to the old series as well as trying to give it a new fresh start.
This article will NOT address any spoilers in the game, so any of you who haven’t played the game yet will not have to worry about being spoiled.
Welcome back to another exciting review of another exciting episode of the same exciting show, which I will continue to call Problem Children because for some reason this anime in particular is incapable of having its name shortened.
There’s no real context for this screenshot within the blog.
Since last week was also a sort of introduction to the series as well as an analysis of the episode, I did the format a bit differently. But from now on, I’m going to write about specific events in the episode in chronological order, like a more typical analysis. That way, if you’re a really slow reader, you can watch the episode at the same time and stay just ahead of the spoilers.
Which spoilers, you might ask? The ones after the break.
In Episode 13 of Robotics;Notes, the most recent one, Frau Koujiro takes 19 random images found in the leaked final episode of Gunvarrel, and by manipulating those images, she manages to get 19 completely different images with hidden letters in them. Surely this is silly and unrealistic. Nope, it’s actually quite plausible.
Hop on, reader, and assume the role of Frau, as I teach you about the wonders of Steganography and have you reveal the subliminal images found in that clip yourself! (As long as you have PhotoShop or GIMP… otherwise you’ll have to take my word for it.)
Whoa there, grandpa.
Welcome to Week 2, everybody. In this new episode, it is more action-packed with Akane and Aoi testing out their new abilities, a closer look at the Alone, and even…some yuri between the two girls?
In this episode we’re presented with an explanation behind last episode‘s madness, hilarious Sasami-san and Yagami Sisters interaction, and cringe-worthy abuse of electronics.
AnoHana, or otherwise known as it’s long-ass name, Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai was produced by A-1 Pictures and was released from April 15, 2011 through June 24, 2011.
When I first watched this show, I was a pretty early anime fan. I’ve barely watched any Slice of Life, so I was used to giant robots bigger than the universe fighting each other or a Scottish version of the grim reaper in the middle of a fight between the government, colored gangs, and angsty teens. I watched ten episodes of it, and then put it on hold for about a year. Last weekend, though, I finally got to watching the last episode.